Here you can display the expected pollination services delivered by wild bees in your target crop.
Here you can estimate and display the effect of a flower strip on the pollination services in your target crop
Step 1:
Display your target crop by clicking the display crop button above
Use the painting tool in the map (hexagonal icon on the left) to draw the flower strip that you want to introduce in the landscape
Step 2
Specify the quality score of the resources included in the new flower strip. You can provide different scores for bumblebees and solitary bees
Solitary bees
Remember that:
1) The quality of floral resources (like nectar or pollen) depends on the flowers introduced. A value of 1 indicates that the introduced flowers provide high amounts of floral resources or resources of very high quality while 0 indicates that flowers introduced do not provide foraging resources
2) The quality of nest resources depends on availability of nesting resources introduced (like sand or or hollow pieces of wood. A value of 1 indicates that the introduced flowers provide high nesting opportunities while 0 indicates that nesting opportunities are not introduced